Monday, April 25, 2011


We did go out yesterday to newyork and then it rained and rained and rained :)

Anyways we did manage to get a few photos before that and you can see my outfit for the outing..

 Thats the skyline from near the world financial centre that we went to see.. But because it was so cloudy we couldnt see the sunset..
I am wearing a mauve dress and off white tights, some pearl jewelery all from india and Nine west Boots..

So what do you guys think??


  1. hey Minal.thanks for coming by my blog and leaving a comment. Would love to be friends. I am following you now! When did you move?

  2. hey I dont know where the "follow" button Maybe i am blind.

  3. hi,

    Thanks for coming by my post and its very new so might not be good at al :)

    Anyways, i moved in Sept last year.. The 'follow' button is on the top left hand corner.. Thanks for following..
