Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Today I was browsing through some news from India and i came across this news item about a murder of a teenage girl in 2008 in Noida, India. A lot of us indians must be aware of the same. The child's name is Aarushi Talwar.

Here in the USA, I notice that a child whether a victim or otherwise is never exposed like the photo is never published, but this poor girl's photos are all over the internet, her character has been assassinated by one and all, be it the police, the media, the politicians!! 

The case has been made out to be a circus of sorts with the police pinning the murders from one to another and when they don't find anyone, the father keeps getting blamed but i was taken by surprise today(i shouldn't be i guess) to find that now both the parents are on trail for the murder of their daughter and their male servant without any conclusive evidence.

How can parents ever kill thier own daughter and so brutally even and for the last 4 years keep denying the same after numerous poly test, narco tests and what not. How are the police almost saying that the ca isse dead, that they do not have conclusive evidence on anyone and then reopen the case and just blame the parents for lack of any other evidence.

The case being open, its not fair to assume who is the killer but my heart goes out to the parents coz my heart just doesn't believe that they could kill their own daughter.

I wish justice prevails and that the real perpetrators are caught and given the capital punishment.


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